Greeting players,
The Soulmask Demo for the Next Fest will come to an end at PT23:59 , February 18, and in time the players with the Demo won't be able to start the trial version from Steam. We hope you've had your moments in the game during this period of time.
We're well aware that the game still has room to be improved and appreciate your enthusiastic participation and feedback. Every bit of this helps us make it a better game. In the future, we’ll continue the original development plan and complete the main game features as soon as possible while paying attention to your feedback and fixing hot issues, especially regarding game guidance and ease of use.
If you like our game, we sincerely hope you may add Soulmask to the [Wishlist] and recommend it to your friends. We also invite you to [join the Discord community] to communicate with players from across the world and receive game news. Please follow our official announcements and social channels for the incoming content. Looking forward to meeting you again in the official version.
Everything is just beginning. Soon, you will be able to enter the complete new continent, recruit tribesmen, develop your own tribe, and uncover the secrets behind the masks…
👉 Join the official Discord:👉 We invite you to tell us about your experience: