


Down here in New Zealand, it’s been a couple of long, locked-down months, but the Stationeers team is back and bouncing out an update for you powerheads and balance boffins
Enjoy the improvements to our power system, new tech, architectural additions, furious fixes, tweaks and more, knowing that Stationeers is preparing the ground for surprises in updates soon to come …

Power On

Try out the Omni-directional power transmitter – a wireless battery charger that uses special cells with a lower capacity than regular batteries. Even supertech has its downsides, right?

There’s a line of new doors for base building. Improve your interiors with these attractive portals, as well as a manual hatch that can operate without power, should something go wrong.

Plus we’re giving you better control over power transmission, exposing new logic and new math functions for the transmitter itself.


We’ve been tightening the bolts and polishing like crazy, removing some long-standing issues like the infamous ‘Infinite Power Exploit'.

Voltage on recursive power networks will now cause input cables on those providers to break. It’s a change that affects AreaPowerControl, StationBattery, Transformers and Wireless power transmitters and receivers. So be warned.

We’ve repaired the sensor lenses for scanning ore. They’re now working better than ever by showing you the entire ore vein and actually help you find ore instead of leading you astray. Happy mining.

We’ve fixed the vacuum room cooling bug, so devices placed in a vacuum in an enclosed room no longer radiate heat – stopping the magical deletion of heat from devices in a completely enclosed room.

That's just a little of the deep-cleaning we'ev been doing. There’s a heap more fixes and tweaks, too, but if you find a bug, you're totally invited to add a ticket to our Jira – we appreciate it massively.


There’s been balance changes to some critical systems, too, like water bottles. Previously you could fill a water bottle with boiling water or cubes of ice and then happily drink it. Now you need to ensure the water is at a reasonable temperature before filling the bottle.

The Winterspawn plant has been nerfed and re-balanced to make it have more "realistic" properties, and breathing hot air now damages your lungs instead of healing them. We just thought we should give everyone … a ‘heads up’ on that.

There’s been a range of other dial-twists, so jump in and take a look.
Happy Stationeering!

Version 0.2.3021.15077


  • Added 2x GasCanisterWater to Misc Crate for Vulcan starting conditions.
  • Fixed Render distance on unpowered doors.
  • Fixed Audio timing on manual hatch.
  • Fixed bug where recipe window wont display sometimes.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException stalling game when loading saved game.
  • Added Wireless battery recipes to the electronics printer.
  • Added Omni Power Transmitter recipe to the electronics printer.


  • Added Interior Doors Kit. These new door variants can be craft in the Autolathe. They do not block atmosphere when shut and do not require power.
  • Added Manual Hatch
  • Added Powered sounds and constructing sounds to all power transmitters.
  • Added sounds to Unpowered Doors and Manual Hatch.
  • Added Position Logic variables to power Transmitters and receivers, PositionX, PositionY and PositionZ return the position of the transmitter head/dish allowing for accurate alignment calculations using trig functions.
  • Added ATan2 function to IC ProgrammableChip functions. Returns the the angle in the Euclidean plane, given in radians, between the positive x axis and the ray that passes through (0,0).
  • Added Wireless Logic transmitter functionality to PowerReceiver. You can now read and write logic variables to the PowerReceiver using a Logic Transmitter.
  • Added Read-only Mode variable to Power Transmitters and Receivers. 0 = unlinked, 1 = linked.
  • Added manual hatch thumbnail
  • Added Additional debug information to the PowerNetworks Debug tool: Required, Potential, PowerProviders.
  • Added time and weather debug options to console debug tab
  • Added smooth transition when setting time of day
  • Added battery animation charge states to Wireless battery cells.
  • Added Omni power transmitter structure (early pass).
  • Added new standard and large battery types (early pass).
  • Added Omni Power transmitter kit.
  • Added Can now read Power Generation Rate from wind turbines using logic.
  • Added support for Vulkan graphics API (use '-force-vulkan' argument when launching the application)


  • Fixed missing thumbnail for omni power transmitter
  • Fixed missing blueprint for omni power transmitter
  • Fixed Setting Activate to 4 on Automated rocket would cause it to set Mode to 5.
  • Fixed Automated Rocket could get stuck and be unresponsive to commands when game saved in while rocket in Mode 2 (travelling to new asteroid).
  • Fixed Large numbers of wind-turbines causing other sounds to stop playing.
  • Fixed AutomatedRocket Couplers appear missing after launching and landing Rocket.
  • Fixed OmniPower Transmitter charging batteries in APCs when it wasn't supposed to.
  • Fixed Sounds on Pipe Analysers.
  • Fixed Pipe Analysers not going into error states when pipe missing.
  • Fixed OnOff and powered lights not working correctly on LiquidPipeAnalyser.
  • Fixed Turning on an APC that had its input and output linked to an existing network could cause crash to desktop.
  • Fixed manual hatch animation
  • Fixed manual hatch not letting air flow when the door is open.
  • Fixed OmniDirectionalPowerTransmitter now draws power and changes wireless batteries correctly up to max range of 15m. (Efficiency reduces with range 0m = 75%, 15m = 25%).
  • Fixed Smart rotate and placement on OmniPowerTransmitter.
  • Fixed issue with -force-vulkan graphics option
  • Fixed WirelessPowerReceiver can link with power transmitter when not aligned. Now requires alignment within 7 degrees.
  • Fixed edge case where wireless power could become disconnected even when all conditions for connection were correct.
  • Fixed PowerTransmitters Precision error causing wireless power devices to be unable to connect over long distances. You can now provide very fine control to rotation values of transmitters and receivers using Logic.
  • Fixed RotatableDevice overshooting the rotation target.
  • Fixed Rotating Power Transmitters and Receivers using wrench resulting in fractional rotation values.
  • Fixed Error that could occur when dismantling pipes.
  • Fixed null error when things are on fire
  • Fixed on/off switch on volume pumps
  • Fixed advanced composter on off button animations
  • fixed portable composter on/off button
  • Fixed Interior Doors being unpaintable.
  • Fixed Interior Doors causing errors when rotating the blueprint.
  • Fixed manual hatch being invisible
  • Fixed on off button on advanced composter
  • Fixed manual hatch not blocking atmos
  • Fixed manual hatch to block faces
  • Fixed Power Transmitters and recievers sometimes not connecting on loading game.
  • Fixed Power Transmitters getting into a state where they would be using negative power.
  • Fixed Power Transmitters being in error state on load.
  • Fixed Infinite Power Exploit. Any potential on recursive power networks will now cause the power input cables of all recursive power providers to break. This change effects: AreaPowerControl, StationBattery, Transformers and Wireless power transmitters and receivers.
  • Fixed Index out of bounds error caused by ModularRocketCouplingUnit.
  • Fixed time being set multiple times when changing time using /settime
  • Fixed Various Power Duplication bugs with wireless power transmitters.
  • Fixed Wireless Power Transmitters getting stuck in error states.
  • Fixed manual hatch not showing up in item kit door
  • Fixed AIMEe not being set to full state correctly when full while mining.
  • Fixed AIMEe logic resetting after mining ore.
  • Fixed Transmitter Omni causing errors on startup.
  • Fixed Stationpedia window is behind IC editor.
  • Fixed temperature on escape from mars scenario
  • Fixed advanced packaging machine power switch displaying incorrect colours when switched off and powered
  • Fixed Wind Audio error caused when too many sounds playing at once.
  • Fixed automated oven power switch displaying incorrect colours when switched off and powered
  • Fixed it so that you can attempt to save again after a prior save fails
  • Fixed Sounds not playing on WaterBottleFillerBottom.
  • Fixed Error spam when filling up waterBottle using WaterBottleFillerBottom.
  • Fixed Hunger/Hydration Rate can now be set in increments of 0.01;
  • Fixed Unable to set Lock logic setting on all manufacturing machines.
  • Fixed Pressing Esc Key to exit Settings menu hides main menu UI.
  • Fixed Writing setting to Logic dial with Logic writer does not work and causes an error.
  • Fixed LiquidDrain not returning kit on deconstruction.
  • Fixed error when loading some saved instruction files in to code editor
  • Fixed Water bottle filler reversed allowing filling of water outside of 0-100degrees C.
  • Fixed Water bottle filler reversed not showing tooltip.
  • Fixed error when Antialiasing is set to none
  • Fixed Interior Door build-states requiring the in-correct resources.
  • Fixed Window Shutter Kit having an extra empty constructible entry.
  • Fixed Automated Oven displaying invisible on off switch.
  • Fixed PressureRegulator and BackPressureRegulator. Both now operate at their maximum speed regardless of pipe network size. BackPressureRegulator no longer overshoots its target value.
  • Fixed WaterBottleFiller Tooltip Error showing incorrect Temperature when input pipe is empty.
  • Fixed no hair rendering when helmet is on
  • Fixed hat hair not working in game
  • Fixed hat hair and regular hair displaying at the same time in the customisation screen
  • Fixed vacuum room cooling bug. Devices placed in a vacuum in an enclosed room will no longer radiate heat. This stops the magical deletion of heat from devices in a completely enclosed room.
  • Fixed Breathing hot air heals burn damage to Lungs. Hot air over 50degreesC now damages lungs. (Thanks: Bti & Eearslya)
  • Fixed NetworkAnalyser to work correctly with advanced tablet when switching active hand
  • Fixed Pipe Bender on switch being on the in-correct initial rotation, causing it to flip while printing.
  • Fixed Autolathe off switch being the incorrect material.


  • Changed Wireless Cell capacity from 36,000 -> 12,000, WirelessCellLarge Capacity 36,000 -> 72,000.
  • Changed OmniPowerTransmitter will no longer charge wireless batteries that are in a battery charger or AreaPowerController.
  • Changed The Potential Energy that can be delivered by a wireless power transmitter now reduces with distance.
  • Changed Water Bottles can now only be filled with water between 0-100degrees Celsius.
  • Changed Increased speed and power consumption of LiquidDrain.
  • Changed PipeHeater recipe to use Iron instead of Steel.
  • Changed Moved TurboVolumePump to Tier2 printer.
  • Changed model for advanced furnace kit
  • Changed Plants now require their water to be between 5-60 Degrees Celsius otherwise they take damage.
  • Changed WinterSpawn Plants only cool the air and electrolyze their water when mature.
  • Changed WinterSpawn Plants now use thermodynamically accurate Electrolyser equation (previously was too much output fuel mix and not enough water consumed)
  • Changed WinterSpawn Plants are less efficient outside their target Temperature range. See Temperature ranges in stationpedia.
  • Changed IceCrusher is now insulated.
  • Changed Scoreboard now hides when entering the main menu
  • Tweaked Sensor Processing Unit(Ore Scanner) to display all instances of an ore in a vein rather than just one instance. This allows you to now see the shape of the vein.
  • Optimized plant decay negatively impacting performance when lots of food present
  • Improved performance of cycling airlock control
  • Reduced garbage being produced by movement controller
  • Stationpedia edits from the community (Iconoplasty, SillySMS)
  • Removed error state on Power Transmitters when disconnected from receiver. Better surfacing of connection status and making connections easier over long distances is being investigated.
  • Removed "ThingRenderer has no actual Renderer" warning