The Planet Crafter

Development Branch update - v0.6.009

Hello Terraformers!

I've just updated a new version (v0.6.009) on the development branch.
To try it, see the "How to switch branches?" question in the FAQ.

This version is a minor performance and code refactoring update, it should lead to almost invisible changes and maybe some performances improvements.

As usual, restart Steam to get the update, and backup your save before trying the dev branch.

V 0.6.009 : Minor Technical Shenanigans
- Clean up some models to improve performances : Containers, Energy generators, …
- Reduce Heater T5 Smoke
- Clean up some unused code
- Improve Reflexion Probe performances
- Change the loading system of the planet
- Update Unity version to 2020.3.42

Stay in the loop

As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games :

See you soon, and good terraforming!

Brice for Miju Games