We've added horse equipment, Crafting, Inventory, Map and Death screen improvements and various other fixes, balances and improvements …
[*]Added grass.distance convar (range 100-200, default 100)
[*]Added headlerp convar (adjusts head snapback speed after alt look)
[*]Added headlerp_inertia convar (smoothens the head snapback motion after alt look)
[*]Added admin refillvitals console commands (fills health, calories and hydration)
[*]Added admin heal console command (same as calling hurt with negative values)
[*]Resdesigned death screen
[*]Can now place a marker on the map
[*]Added screen mode (Fullscreen exclusive, Fullscreen Borderless, Windowed) option to Screen settings
[*]Added FPS Limit slider to Screen settings
[*]Shift-middle mouse drag to split a third of an item stack
[*]Right click the item split bar to type an exact split amount
[*]Middle/shift-middle mouse click the splitter bar to set it to half/third
[*]Left click and drag your inventory screen player model to spin it around
[*]Right click a Quick Craft icon to remove it from the crafting queue
[*]Right click an item in the crafting queue to move it to the start of the queue
[*]Added a Crafting Favourites system
[*]Added keybinds to drop a single/full stack of the the currently selected/active item to the Inventory settings section
[*]Added "unable to repair" reason chat notifications
[*]Added Tesla Coil
[*]Added Horse Wood Armor
[*]Added Horse Roadsign Armor
[*]Added Horse Shoes
[*]Added Saddlebags
[*]Horse breeds actually impact horse statistics
[*]Added Ammunition information panel
[*]Added Electrical wire flow indicator
[*]Added double door skins
[*]Fixed lerp convar exploit (now admin / dev only and clamped to a sane range)
[*]Fixed exploit to disarm landmines from any distance
[*]Fixed exploit to free underwater loot crates from any distance
[*]Fixed exploit to interact with excavator from any distance
[*]Fixed bullet impact glow effect not following vehicles after impact
[*]Can no longer drag/throw items when you're wounded
[*]Can no longer combine world items of non-full condition to get a free repair
[*]Consumable item information panel no longer shows default values the first time you inspect one
[*]Minor Hapis Island fixes
[*]Fixed campfire description
[*]Fixed recycler description
[*]Fixed errors when entering site B (Hapis Island)
[*]Fixed scrap transport helicopter oil rig exploits
[*]Fixed APC crates falling through the ground
[*]Disabled status effects in god mode
[*]Disabled food and hydration depletion in god mode
[*]Disabled radiation poisoning in god mode
[*]There's now a small 0.75 second buffer when the Quick Craft list refreshes to help prevent miss-clicks
[*]Added an Electrical category to the crafting screen and re-categorised all electrical items
[*]Added a Favourites category to the crafting screen
[*]Cleaned up some ambient and foliage sounds
[*]Updated bear sounds
[*]Updated pressure pad sounds
[*]Updated collectible resource sounds
[*]Cleaned up barefoot footsteps a little bit
[*]Evened out and increased attack helicopter rotor sound volume
[*]Electrical wires now have normal mapping and a 3d look
[*]Spas-12 has a slightly higher fire rate
[*]Shotgun slugs are more accurate and do more damage
[*]Shotgun slugs have a closer damage falloff
[*]M92 has a slightly slower fire rate
[*]Simple Sight is now a default blueprint
[*]M39 swapped with L96 as bandit camp
[*]Bradley loot table improved
[*]Bradley is more vulnerable to HV rockets
[*]Bradley top turret has been enabled
[*]Excavator yield increased by 30%