This is a big step towards our Hypatia update, where we’ll be adding Operations (missions you can complete from your Open World session) to both the Styx and Olympus maps so they can be activated from your Open World sessions, just like in our New Frontiers expansion.
We’ve also added a new pop up which will allow you to check your file state after each patch, which aims to reduce bugs or crashes caused by outdated and leftover files from Steam’s patching process.
Jump in and have a read.
Notable Improvements
- A checksum file check has been added which shows a message on the title screen if you have mods installed or your pak files from the patch are in a bad state. This will be helpful in figuring out if Steam’s patching process has accidentally corrupted the project.
- Fixed an issue where fully mined voxels would sometimes not respawn after being thumped with the Thumper
- Fixed an issue where fully mined voxels would reappear and disappear when hit once, not providing resources
- Fixed an issue where mission rewards weren't being given to players who hadn't completed the pre-requisite missions
- Fixed missing Ren reward for the "Hidden Cache" SMPL3 mission types
This Week: C0NT4CT Device
With the new approach to Operations and Missions in the New Frontiers expansion, and upcoming changes to missions on Styx and Olympus, we’ve added a new mission device which replaces the trio of the Short Range Radio, Infrasonic Relay Device and Encrypted Satellite.
This device is called the ‘C0NT4CT Device’ and acts as a base item with upgrade slots for two parts to replace the Infrasonic Relay Device and Encrypted Satellite that unlocked encoded and encrypted Operations.
The C0NT4CT Device is craftable at Tier 2 on the crafting bench, and will be the primary source for SMPL3 Quests and Operations while you are on the surface in Open World games and Outposts.
This comes with changes to the UI, such as when you are looking at the mission screen for a prospect, Operations are now shown with an Operation UI element and separated into colors for normal, encoded or encrypted Operations.
Any existing mission devices you may have on an active Open World game or Outpost will be converted into a C0NT4CT device with this update, and for either the Infrasonic Relay or Encrypted Satellite, they’ll come with their respective upgrade pre-installed.
The New Frontiers Operations have been updated also, to reduce some of the grind that was caused by the multiple device requirements. Instead, these will provide the upgrade parts for the C0N4CT device as part of your objectives.
The C0NT4CT device not only streamlines objective selection while on planet, it also provides a transition to the new system coming with Hypatia, which should be simpler for people to understand and use.
This week: Patching checksum
Sometimes our frequent weekly updates cause issues for how Steam updates games, so we’ve added a tool to help you check for any issues.
Some players have figured out (thanks our Discord community) that after some updates, Steam doesn’t always delete files that are no longer needed. For example, this can lead to out-of-date .pak files containing game data that conflicts with the latest version of the game. This can often explain weird behaviour and crashes.
So, we have added a message on the title screen to tell you if you have mods installed or your .pak files from the patch are in a bad state. This will be helpful when troubleshooting crashes or to see if Steam’s patching process has caused conflicts.
If you want to switch this message off, we have added two command line arguments
Suppresses the popup notification of the checksum but still shows the status on the title screen. This will also detect any mods.
Suppresses both the popup and title screen message
Coming Soon: Hypatia
Hypatia is making leaps and bounds, and we know you’re keen for more Operations (missions you can complete from Open World mode). So we’ve made the decision to split it into two parts and bring the upgraded Operations mission systems to Styx first, and then Olympus a little later.
There is no ETA on when these will both be ready, but by splitting this into two, you can expect we will have Hypatia Part 1: Styx Operations out sooner than originally planned.
For those of you who are new and haven’t yet purchased Styx, you can jump in and play 27 missions now, along with the 64sqkm map and several unique animals. Many of these Missions will be adapted to become Operations, playable in Styx Open World world, when the Hypatia update drops.
Next Week: Carved Wood Decorations
Next week's work is split into two parts internally, with the core of the game design team working on the Hypatia Operations changes, while the art team are bringing the remainder of the carved wood decorations set that they have been working on. This will complete the entire set, with 20 items in total across all 3 bundles, not including their variations.
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If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.
Changelog v2.0.4.116269
New Content
[expand type=details]
- Adding Simple Collision to T2Communication Device Mesh
- Added a modifier to corpses that indicate other creatures will be attracted to it
- Added a new icon that better resembles creatures are going to be attracted to the corpses
- Added T4 Communication Device with animations
- Missions requiring the 'Infrasonic Relay Upgrade' are 'Encoded', missions requiring the 'Encrypted Sattelite Upgrade' are 'Encrypted' the UI has been updated to reflect these stats with icons / colours / descriptions and error messages
- Tweaked mission device UI visuals
- Adding new Upgradable Mission Device 'C0NT4CT Device' and Meshes
- Adding new UI for Upgradable Mission Device
- Current T2/3/4 Mission Communicators will be converted to the new device on load
- Converting T3/T4 Mission Communicators to be upgrade items and not deployables
- Converting ProStory1 quest to require a 'C0NT4CT Device'
- Converting ProStory2 quest to provide a 'Infrasonic Relay Upgrade' and adjusted quest steps to place the item in the upgrade slot in the 'C0NT4CT Device'
- Converting ProStory3 quest to provide a 'Encrypted Sattelite Upgrade' and adjusted quest steps to place the item in the upgrade slot in the 'C0NT4CT Device'
- Adding audio to mission device BP
- Dialogue adjustments to fix any conflict with the new communicator upgrade path
- Fix upgradeable communicator state changes by binding to events on the correct inventory ID
- Adding low mechanical rumble of large T4 communicator device. Adding in upgrade click in sound to each upgrade when slotted. Spacial adjustments for better in world realism. Minor volume tweaks
- Fixing issue where previous mission devices where not upgrades correctly and disappearred instead of swapping to new device
- Fixing issue where as part of the mission device upgrade process the mission device upgrades where not placed in the correct inventory
- Fixing UI for C0NT4CT device as it was incorrectly labelling missions and not available and setting the wrong mission availability status
- Updated SMPL3 Quest Dynamic Queries to use the new Upgradable Mission Device as the query context
- Updated visuals for communication Upgrade UI
- Fixed UI which was blocking interaction on Upgradable mission device
- Adding error text to take into account having a T4 upgrade but not a T3 for the upgradable mission device
- Add a command line arg -NoCheckSumPopup to suppress pak file meta check popups (only), add a copy to clipboard button for pak file meta detail
- Problems identified in pak file meta checks are now a popup on the title screen, mod users can elect to suppress with the command line arg -NoCheckSum
[expand type=details]
- Small adjustments to the distance curve of dead prospectors beeping so it can be audible at a longer distance but not too loud
- Adding pick up canteen to be used for inaris and all other canteens. Also added pick up jerrycan item audio and events and data table entry
- Added Terrenus bestiary traits
- Adjustment to a specific storm in the volcanic biome that uses a small amount of acid rain. The acid rain visuals did not match the audio at all
- Update Frozen Ore yield stat description to match new effect, scaling off of resources gained
- Change Cold Steel frozen ore reward behaviour to round rewards up
- Fixed issue with fully mined voxels reappearing after reloading prospect twice. Voxels that reappeared would disappear after being hit as they are still counted as being mined out
- Fixed issue with fully mined voxels not respawning after being thumped
- Fixed issue where mission rewards weren't being given to players who hadn't completed the pre-requisite missions
- Fixed missing Ren reward for Cache SMPL3 mission types
- Add basic pak file meta checks, present any issue to users on title screen, log for dedi servers
- Fixed a crash when leaving a prospect
- Fix exotic plants are not reloading correctly
- Fix a rare crash reported in Sentry related to race conditions when joining server
- Fix a rare crash reported in sentry relating to AI targeting
Future Content
[expand type=details]
- Ice Building Tier prototyping - adjustments to high poly mesh and normal map for Kit_A
- Submitting in progress developer assets
- Adding the setup for Oxite, Salt, Stone, Titanium, Platinum, Clay, Scoria, Obsidian deep ore viens, currently not set up to spawn
- Added larkwell armor reskins - white, materials and sk meshes. Also updated larkwell 3rd person envirosuit to match with other envirosuits
- Added larkwell armor reskins - black, materials and sk meshes
- Added ashen drake trophy assets to the project
- Added kea trophy assets to the project
- Added teenage caveworm trophy assets to the project
- Added elephant trophy assets to the project
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Adding newly recorded foley sounds for larkwell armor set. Also has been applied to composite and carbone armor to greatly improve existing one high velocity one shots
- Updated backpack skeletons
- Added On state material for DEP_Wall_Light_Shroud, called M_DEP_Wall_Light_Shroud_On
- Setting up Shroud Ceiling and wall lights, Spotlight tripod, and Ceiling spotlight, feature locked out for now
- Volume adjustments to the larkwell armor set
- Adjusted colour and intensity of ON material to more closely match the cieling version of this light
- color changes for larkwell armor reskins- black
- Initial stat pass on new backpacks, pending new stat additions
- Added 'BaseLavaSlugExtraDamage_+%' and 'BaseLavaSlugExtraDamageResistance_+%' progressive stats to the lava slug
- Added redback trophy assets to the project
- Adding All Animal Head / Vestiges for new items collected with the taxidermy knife, feature locked out for now
- Added lava viscid trophy assets to the project
- Added swamp viscid trophy assets to the project
- Added stats to Brown Bear Armor and rebalanced Larkwell Armor, for future release
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Added lava hunter broodling trophy asset to the project
- Added rabbit, arctic rabbit, and pygmy lop trophies to the project
- Added needler trophy assets to the project
- Added moa trophy assets to the project
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass, Red Quad and Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Small adjustments to PB armor to accomodate for BB armor
- adding shroud light unique on off audio events and adding to BP
- Adding generic desk lamp on / off event and to BP. Adjustments to industrial type lamp on / off for shroud and spotlights and tripod lights etc
- Added electroshock icons to bestiary modifier icons
- Fixed internal spelling of Pygmy Lop trophy and vestiges
- Added placeholder trophy to fix build
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
- Partial Setup for 35+ new Animal Trophies, Feature locked out for now
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus