Green Hell

Hotfix Patch: V 2.9.1 is live now!

Hello Adventurers,

We are happy to announce that the newest patch 2.9.1 to Green Hell with Update #21 - Decorations is now live!

  • Tapir Trophy decoration added to the game

  • The position of the decoration interface trigger should now be consistent for all players in co-op sessions
  • Decorations on the workbench are displayed properly after the Client rejoins the session
  • Light sources of torches in holders have now soother edges
  • Enemies can now attack and destroy Armor Stands
  • Decorations that are hung in the doorway and window walls have now the proper position
  • Placing multiple Arrow Holders in one place should no longer be possible
  • Tweaked position of decorations attached to short walls
  • Using "Save & Quit" while sitting on the Chair no longer causes the interface to disappear
  • The interface of decorations no longer disappears when the player leaves the co-op session while moving the decoration object
  • Painting Bamboo Short Walls parts is now more accurate
  • All decoration types on the Workbench now have a proper icon
  • Enemies now properly find a path around an Arrow Holder
  • Adjusted level of detail range for Feather Decorations
  • Decorations that are being rearranged no longer collide with their initial position
  • The player is now able to equip armors using the "insert" option on controllers

Thank you so much for your support and feedback - we could not find and fix these bugs without you!
Remember, you can report any possible issues with the game by sending us a message at

Creepy Jar Team

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